Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My first Video!!!

Hey everyone this is the first video I have on my blog, now this is not my favorite video in the world, but my computer is broken and this is the only other video I have on hand. I had to make this video black and white because our church services are in the tent and there is not enough darkness to show a very colorful video. Hope you enjoy the first of many
Click here to watch video


Christian said...

That was cool! Now I want to see a copy of the old camp video "Surge Vs. God's Word"

Steve said...

I have no idea where those videos are, I wish I had them though

Sabrina said...

That was great brother! I cant wait to see more. You are SO talented.

Steve said...

To bad that you are nothing without me mindie, because without me, you won't even know how to create your blockbuster blog. So everyone, here is an update on mondie's blog, it will never be finished, because I refuse to do all the work for her.

Sabrina said...

Mindie, I will believe it when I see it!!!

Karen said...

No offense, but if those Stratton kids want to become famous bloggers, they're GONNA have to learn to SPELL!

Mercy. Steve, you didn't even spell your sister's NAME right!!

*long, parental sigh...*

Steve said...

that is a nickname that I gave her "mondie"

Karen said...


You nicknamed her mondie? (Like as in, no capital M or anything mondie??)


You Strattons are...interesting...