There are many benefits to eating fruits and vegetables. Often we are tempted to get our vitamins and mineral requirements from a vitamin pill and neglect eating fresh fruits and vegetables. It is always better to eat fruits and vegetables than to simply take a multivitamin. When you eat fruits and vegetables you gain additional benefits, such as high fiber content, the feeling of being full or satisfied longer, and the fact that fruits and vegetables can help aid digestion and regulate the digestive tract. With FDA guidelines continually changing, many people are wondering what the new requirements are for fruits and vegetables.
It is also important to realize that fruits and vegetables can be incorporated in every diet. Even those who are on low carbohydrate diets can choose fruits and vegetables that are lower in carbohydrates and enjoy the many health giving benefits found in fruits and vegetables. Plus, natural sugars are way better than the processed sugars in many foods today.
The new FDA guidelines recommends 2 1/2 Cups of vegetables for women between the ages of 19 and 50 and 2 cups for women 51 and over per day. For men, the recommendations are 3 Cups of vegetables for men between the ages of 19 and 50 and 2 1/2 Cups for those 51 and over. The daily recommendations for fruit are 2 Cups per day for women between the ages of 19 and 30, and 1 1/2 Cups for women between the ages of 31 and over. For men, the daily recommended amounts of fruit servings are 2 Cups.
Now you know exactly what you should be eating so you can enjoy life and get all your vitamins and minerals in a healthy and natural way. But understanding what constitutes 1 cup of fruits and vegetables is important for ensuring that you are taking the recommended amounts each day. One cup of vegetables is one cup of raw or vegetables that have been cooked, one cup of vegetable juice. Two cups of leafy green vegetables constitutes 1 cup due to their high water content. When determining measurements for fruit, 1 cup of fruit is the equivalent of one cup of fruit juice, 1 cup of fresh or frozen fruit, and 1/2 cup of dried fruit.
Buying fruits and vegetables that are in season can help you save money, as these fruits are not as expensive as those out of season. Though everyone would like to purchase fresh, organic fruits and vegetables these can often be expensive and hard to find. A great alternative is to buy frozen fruits and vegetables. Frozen fruits and vegetables retain all of their health giving benefits and are just a fraction of the cost. There are also some great natural fruit drinks out there that can provide you with a boost of protein or antioxidants. By incorporating fruits and vegetables in your diet you are protecting your health and ensuring that you are meeting your daily vitamin and mineral requirements the natural way.