Monday, September 29, 2008

P90x is still the one of the best!

Even with all the new workouts that are coming out, P90x is still one of the best out there. P90x has been out for over a year and half and it is still setting the par for new workouts. The reason why it is still the best is because it works! If you are serious about getting in shape, just not losing weight, but actually becoming healthy, then P90x is the workout for you. Look, losing weight is great and is a great goal, but losing weight does not mean you are healthy. If you stick to the P90x plan you will not only lose some weight and gain muscle but you will learn how live a healthy lifestyle. So if you are up for the challenge go for it. There are also some other great workouts that don't take as much time called Tony Horton's Ten minute trainer and ChaLean extreme which is come out soon.

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